Architectural Moulding and Features

Our architectural moulding product range consistes of:
Fascias, Barges and Ridges
The use of shaped Glassfibre fascias, barges and ridges on buildings enables the architect to use the edge of the building to create an interesting architectural feature. This allows freedom of shape and colour not available with more traditional building materials. The repetitive use of moulded elements allows the architect to produce amazing features at surprisingly low cost.
AGS Glassfibre fascias barges and ridges
Eaves Closure Panels
The use of Glassfibre for closures around buildings enables the architect to use the edge of the building to create an interesting architectural feature.
Fibreglass allows freedom of shape and colour not available with more traditional building materials.
AGS Glassfibre Architectural Mouldings eaves clossure panels
Domes, Cupolas & Dormers
Domes of any shape and size can be moulded in Glassfibre. These can be produced with varying textures and colours to suit the architect's requirements. These can be freestanding or used as protection over other structures.
    AGS Glassfibre Architectural Mouldings domes cupolas and dormers
    Columns, Bases & Capitals

    We fabricate columns of all shapes and sizes. We can use existing moulds or manufacture purpose made columns to your requirements.

    We will undertake the design, manufacture and installation to suit the project requirements. These can be painted and themed to your project requirements.

    AGS Glassfibre Architectural Mouldings columns bases and capitals
    Arches & Keystones

    AGS GlassfibreArchitectural Mouldingsl arches and keystones